
H. E. Ambassador Tariq Al-Ansari Received H. E. Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool

H. E. Ambassador Tariq Al-Ansari received H. E. Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool at Qatar residence in a courtesy visit. Ambassador Rasool is a senior figure in the ruling African National Congress, a former Premier in the Western Cape Province and former South African Ambassador to USA.

H. E. Ambassador Received Ambassador of the Republic of Seychelles

H. E. Ambassador Tariq Al-Ansari received H. E. Claude Morel, Ambassador of the Republic of Seychelles, at his office at the Embassy. The parties discussed ways and means of cooperation between the Republic of South Africa, Seychelles and Qatar and other matters of mutual and trilateral interest between the respective countries.

His Excellency Attended the South African Launch of the Amnesty International Report on Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians

His Excellency Ambassador Tariq Al-Ansari attended the South African launch of the Amnesty International report on Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians. The event was co-hosted by the Afro-Middle East Centre (AMEC), Amnesty International, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) South Africa and the Centre for Mediation in Africa at the University of Pretoria. Saleh Hijazi of the Jerusalem office of Amnesty International delivered the keynote address. The panelist’s included South Africa’s former Intelligence Minister Ronnie Kasrils, and Zane Dangor of DIRCO. The launch and the related discussions was moderated by Zeenat Adam of AMEC.