Important Alerts

1- Preservation of passports and any official documents and non-mortgage.

2- Obtaining a valid and valid travel visa for South Africa

3- Avoid going to popular, suspicious, isolated and remote areas as well as city centres, especially in the evening.

4- Explore when choosing hotels in South Africa.

5- Not to carry money in large amounts promised to highlight them and prefer the use of bankcards.

6- Be cautious when using ATMs. 

7- Do not let anyone help you when using bankcards.

8- Concealment of electronic devices and cameras and not to be visible in public areas

9- When medical services are needed, it is preferable to go to private hospitals and not to go to public hospitals.

10- Do not wear watches and precious jewels and beware when buying valuables not to draw the attention of those around you.

11- Maintaining emergency numbers, in particular South African Police 10111

12- Dealing with banks or major banks for foreign exchange and take caution after receipt of cash and exiting from banks. 

13- Avoid using public buses and prefer to deal with car rental companies directly or rent cars from the hotel.

14- In the case of driving the car should not stop to anyone who except police officers and be careful at traffic signals, and leave a distance between you and the car in front of you to be able to move in the event of danger.

15- Take the necessary vaccinations before visiting South Africa.